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Contact the Phil

We'd love to hear from you! 


Feel free to chat with us at any of our regular season concerts.  Our performances are at Seifert Performing Arts Center at Salem High School, Salem NH, unless otherwise noted.  


Please send your contact information to, if you'd like to audition for a seat in the orchestra.  


Mail us a letter, call with ticket questions, or come by one of our concerts and let us know your thoughts!  


We do not have a physical office location for walk-ins.  


Questions, concerns, reflections, ideas...don't hesitate to reach out.  

P.O. Box 1651 Concord, NH 03302  /  Tel. 603.647.6476

Name *

Email *



Thank you for contacting the New Hampshire Philharmonic! We will review your message and be in contact.


Ticket Prices are as follows, unless otherwise noted:
$35 Adults
$30 Seniors
$10 Students
$5 Salem Students
$15 Online Streaming - Sunday concerts only (Seifert Performances only)
To Purchase Tickets Click Here 


For Discount Tickets, click here


To contact us please call, email or write to us here:

Tel: 603.647.6476 | Email: | P.O. Box 1651 Concord, NH 03302


NH Philharmonic Orchestra performs at Seifert Performing Arts Center, 44 Geremonty Drive, Salem, NH 03079.  Located at Salem High School.  Unless otherwise noted in our concert listings above.  Please do not send correspondence to Seifert to reach The Phil, send to our PO Box.

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