The New Hampshire Philharmonic is the state’s premier training orchestra, offering concerts and educational programs to audiences and students across New Hampshire and Northern Massachusetts. We are a community-based 70+ person orchestra performing 10 concerts annually at Seifert Performing Arts Center in Salem, New Hampshire located in Salem High School.
The New Hampshire Philharmonic is the oldest orchestra in the state, tracing its roots to 1895. The Philharmonic exists to connect people to the power of classical music, through compelling concerts and engaging programs. The orchestra serves as a living laboratory, bringing together the finest student, amateur and professional musicians from across New Hampshire. The Philharmonic provides educational outreach programs to area students and adults.
“A fine arts flagship for New Hampshire”
New Hampshire Union Leader
The Philharmonic delivers on its mission of educational outreach programs and services in a number of ways.
Presenting an annual children’s concert (with our ever-popular instrument petting zoo)
Inviting student musicians to play at NH Phil concerts
Pre-concert talks by the music director before each performance
Mentoring student members of the orchestra
“My experiences with the New Hampshire Philharmonic were of critical importance to my growth as a musician.”
Grammy-award winning composer John Adams
The Philharmonic serves as a living laboratory for the best students and amateurs from New Hampshire and Northern Massachusetts to work with professional musicians to present engaging renderings of the core repertoire. The Philharmonic complements the many fine orchestras of New Hampshire that are composed predominantly of professional musicians.
“Professional-caliber musicianship… tight, well-drilled and confident”
The Philharmonic provides engaging and high-quality concerts of classical and semi-classical music to residents from towns across New Hampshire and Northern Massachusetts.
“If you’re interested in music made locally, the Philharmonic is well worth your attention”
New Hampshire Magazine
Orchestra Members
Music Director
Violin I
Rebecca Katsenes
Nicholas So
Elliott Markow
Debbie Markow
Aniko Geladze
Louise Kandle
Anya Lebdeva
Matthew Austin
Michelle Cloutier
David Brown
Michele Cronin
Violin II
Beth Welty
Zoe Martel
Nikki Billiri
Rebecca Kelly
AnnMarie Glisson
Glen Kelly
Kate Ford
Jen Langevin
Reese Hartnett
Erin Maynard
Susan Rees
Lindsay Marquis
Theresa Jaques
Jonathan Byrne
Denise Cara Pocoli
Julia Perelgut
Stuart Goldstein
Henry MacDonnell
Eva Paige Normandin
Emma Michaud
Rachel Sennett
Peter Chew
Ethan Cheng
Dorothy Braker
Kurt Villiard
Daniel Delisi
Richard Harwood
Wil Latulippe
Rebekah Goldstein
Susan Yost
Jan Kolar
Roric Cunningham
Production Assistant
Jack Cody
Norma Milne
Erin Cohen
Nancy Goldstein
Michael Pennisi
Abbie DeGennaro
Ed Marshall
John Stewart
Bronslaw Suchanek
Serenity Newton
Anthony Eng
Aubrie Dionne
Terry D'Errico
Kylie Elliot
Mary O'Keefe
Natalie Berger
Sarah Bazarian
Pat Cunningham
Dale McDonald
Cora Dykens
Justin Wright
Becky Pierce
Michaela Kosta
French Horn
Sarah Perrin
Peter Guidi
Matt Miller
Vincent Duval
Emily Tomasi
Janet Travis
Dan Wright
Val Zanchuk
Leslie McEvoy
Shea Callahan
Mark Schirmer
Steve Gasiorowski
Larry Jones
Gregg Cunningham
Matt Bruneau
Katie Inamorati
Charolette Caron
Emily Lewis
Erin Tellier
Evan Deyak
Justin Murphy-Mancini