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November 2019

The New Hampshire Philharmonic Orchestra has received a $1000 grant from the Arthur Getz Trust in support of our "Drawn to the Music" program. We are grateful for the support of the Getz Trust for Drawn to the Music. This program reaches out to elementary school students to merge their artistic talents with their interpretation of classical music.

After receiving hundreds of drawings, we select those that, when combined, best tell the story about that music. We invite the students, teachers, and parents to a concert where those drawings are projected above the orchestra during a performance of the music. This year, our music is the suite from Stravinsky's "Firebird".

The Drawn to the Music concerts are on March 14 and 15, 2020. Both concerts are at 2:00 PM.



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Ticket Prices are as follows, unless otherwise noted:
$35 Adults
$30 Seniors
$10 Students
$5 Salem Students
$15 Online Streaming - Sunday concerts only (Seifert Performances only)
To Purchase Tickets Click Here 


For Discount Tickets, click here


To contact us please call, email or write to us here:

Tel: 603.647.6476 | Email: | P.O. Box 1651 Concord, NH 03302


NH Philharmonic Orchestra performs at Seifert Performing Arts Center, 44 Geremonty Drive, Salem, NH 03079.  Located at Salem High School.  Unless otherwise noted in our concert listings above.  Please do not send correspondence to Seifert to reach The Phil, send to our PO Box.

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