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Spring Pops - Broadway and More! - May 2022

We will continue to feature women composers performing Joan Tower’s “Made in America”, with wisps of “America the Beautiful” passing through her homage to our country. Then, our salute to two great American institutions, Stephen Sondheim and John Williams! We'll first treat you to familiar and well loved music from the master of the Broadway stage, Stephen Sondheim. We will then join all of America in saluting composer John Williams in honor of his 90th birthday. Star Wars forever!



Ticket Prices are as follows, unless otherwise noted:
$35 Adults
$30 Seniors
$10 Students
$5 Salem Students
$15 Online Streaming - Sunday concerts only (Seifert Performances only)
To Purchase Tickets Click Here 

For Discount Tickets, click here


To contact us please call, email or write to us here:

Tel: 603.647.6476 | Email: | P.O. Box 1651 Concord, NH 03302

NH Philharmonic Orchestra performs at Seifert Performing Arts Center, 44 Geremonty Drive, Salem, NH 03079.  Located at Salem High School.  Unless otherwise noted in our concert listings above.  Please do not send correspondence to Seifert to reach The Phil, send to our PO Box.

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